David Mathison

Episode 12: The Roles of CDOs and How Anyone Can Make Waves in the World of Modern Technology, with David Mathison

Asha Saxena explores the vital role chief data officers play in businesses with CEO and founder of CDO Club and CDO Summit, the world’s first, largest, and most powerful community of C suite and digital leaders, David Mathison.

In this episode, David Mathison discusses the roles of chief data officers, what it takes to earn top marks as a CDO, and how ordinary people can affect huge technological advances through open-source technology and massive data sharing.

With great strides happening every day in the world of technology, there are abundant opportunities for people from all backgrounds to contribute. Learn more on today’s podcast.

What you’ll learn in this episode:

  • What the ideal candidate for the role of a CDO looks like
  • Why a well-rounded background is essential for someone who steps into the role of a chief data officer
  • Who the first chief data officer of the year was and why that person was selected
  • The way real world people are banding together to create solutions for real world problems
  • The role big data plays in communities, like Kaggle, and how it wouldn’t be possible without people posting and sharing their information in an effort to seek real solution to these huge, complex problems
  • How tools like Watson, Siri, and Google Voice have the potential to evolve to a point where they can solve complex problems in the home and in the world
  • Why it isn’t necessary to have a technical or engineering degree to accomplish things in technology thanks to all the open source technologies available
  • Real world examples of Watson and similar technologies, for instance, diagnosing specific kinds of cancer or obscure diseases, because it remembers all the data from research papers, books, etc.
  • How technology isn’t replacing people for certain roles but elevating them by assisting them in offering specific information faster and with greater accuracy
  • Why David believes it is necessary to always be learning – and willing to share what you’ve learned with others

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