Financial ServiceS & Insurance

The Financial Services/Insurance Industries have their own unique complexities with products and services that require specific, highly accurate analysis and reporting tools to achieve business goals. FTI Consulting has expertise in working with many varied entities under the financial/insurance umbrella, including insurance, reinsurance, commercial lenders, bankers, investment firms, credit card companies, and fund managers. There are large data volumes in this sector, in part due to state and federal rules and reporting requirements.

Several of FTI’s commissions involve helping these firms with the integration of myriad amounts of data, including but not limited to claims, treaties, asset management, real estate management, collateral, compliance documents, regulatory papers, reserves, policies, claims, subscribers, and merger and acquisition activity. Our work in this area has helped clients analyze and make positive changes to their portfolios based on wide-ranging, relatable BI and Big Data analysis that highlights and measures what products and services are more effective or profitable than others – and insights into market trends, competitors, and customer behaviors. FTI also helps clients develop and garner information more quickly to meet compliance guidelines with both state and federal agencies.